Hidden Heritage

Crail’s Art & Artists

3rd to 11th August 2024

Crail Museum took over Crail Town Hall for an exhibition from the 3rd-11th August entitled “Hidden Heritage – Crail’s Art & Artists”.

The exhibition included over 50 paintings that the Museum holds, which are not normally on display. It featured, along with Crail Artists, such well-known names as  Joseph Milne, David Owen Martin and others from the Glasgow Boys. Paintings by Reginald Duncan were also featured, he was a very talented young artist who sadly died at the age of 24 after a long illness. 

David Owen Martin painting of Crail Harbour

We hoped that this exhibition would help to raise funds to have the David Owen Martin painting of the Crail Harbour restored. This painting was originally won by a lady in a raffle for a one pound ticket.  She gifted it to the museum with the provisory that it always remains in Crail. 

We did raise £1050 through donations at the exhibition and we have raised funds from other sources, but we are still around £3000 short of the total needed to restore the painting.

To continue the fundraising effort we have started a Crowdfunding campaign on Crowdfunder:

Rooftops of Crail

by Reginald Duncan

Marketgate, Crail

by David B Mackay

Crail Harbour

by D W Lorimer

To get an impression of the scale of the exhibition, take our Virtual Tour:

🚫📷 Sorry no photography in this exhibition for copyright reasons 📷🚫