Horticulture in Crail

Horticulture in Crail

This exhibition has been dismantled and will be replaced in 2025.

Our exhibition for 2023 covered the many connections between Crail and Horticulture:

Crail has always had several people who were very interested in growing flowers and vegetables as a hobby.

From 1950 until recently, Crail had the Horticultural Society which held two shows every year. In August there was the  Flower Show which had sections for flowers and vegetables, as well as an industrial section. Later in November, there was the Chrysanthemum and Vegetable Show which had  craft, children’s and S.W.R.I. sections. Everyone was encouraged to show their best flowers and vegetables as well as the serious growers.

The main case has photographs and certificates relating to the shows. Also highlighted is the win by Bob Roger of the largest onion and entry in the Guinness Book of Records as well as all the really large leeks, onions, carrots and celery that both Bill and Bob Roger, and Tom Hutchon produced.

There are photographs of Crail in Bloom, for which we have a gold and other awards, and of the Open Gardens which were started by Crail Preservation Society to help fund the alterations to Crail Museum when it was extended into 64 Marketgate.

The small case has items relating to the various gardeners who worked in Crail in Kirkmay House and Seaforth House, and all the medals they had won.

Please note that this exhibition is on the first floor of the Museum accessed only by stairs.